Zeitwart - Raumbuchung und Ressourcenverwaltung
creates free spaces

The booking system Zeitwart increases the occupancy, controls who is allowed to book under which rules and displays the occupancy transparently on all devices.


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What is Zeitwart?

We show a quick overview

Compatible with all devices

Whether mobile phone, tablet, PC, HDMI display or directly on the room display on site: Zeitwart works with all devices

Interactive room displays

Optionally available room displays show the current occupancy of a room or several resources in the building with LEDs. Users can authorise and book directly at the display with an NFC chip.

Interactive maps

Interactive maps show the occupancy of a room in a map display. This is ideal for workplaces, which can be booked easily this way.

Customer testimonials

What our users say about Zeitwart

It's a cool system

Solarlux GmbH

Stefan Holtgreife


Solarlux GmbH

The high degree of adaptability to individual needs, taking into account existing roles ... is a unique selling point with which Zeitwart was able to convince us.

Library of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Renate Pieper-Bekierz


Library of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences


Zeitwart convinces with many functions

Microsoft Integration

Work in your familiar Office environment and let Zeitwart display and manage your appointments.

Touch-enabled room displays

Optionally available room displays show the current occupancy of a room or several resources in the building with LEDs.


All Zeitwart functions can be integrated into your own IT landscape via a REST API.

Dependent resources

A room that contains bookable workstations and is also bookable itself can be mapped using this function.


All calendars can be subscribed to as an iCal feed. This way they are available on all devices.

Automatic backups

The databases are backed up regularly. Should it be necessary to restore data, you are on the safe side.

Automatic collision check

When entering the appointments, an automatic collision check prevents double bookings.

Controllable e-mail dispatch

You determine when the user receives an email, e.g. to confirm or change a booking.

Differentiated role administration

The roles can be freely created and individually assigned rights.

Extensive booking rules

Extensive booking rules can be set for users.

Smart approval procedure

The smart approval procedure creates freedom for spatial planners: Only special cases need to be approved, the rest is done automatically.

Helpful filter function

You can create your own attributes for resources to filter by.


Let external participants of your events reserve tickets via Zeitwart. You will receive an email with a QR code that can be used for admission control.


Workflows are rule-based actions that can be used to automate processes

Zeitwart enables intelligent room booking and resource management and helps companies and institutions to flexibly book resources such as rooms, equipment or company cars and thus increase utilisation.

Zeitwart makes bookings transparent for all users: room displays in the building show the current occupancy and users book directly via RFID login. An interactive map view enables a clear display of the available resources, making workstation bookings in particular easy to implement.

Extensive booking rules can limit the booking of resources for certain users and a differentiated rights and role system clearly regulates who can book which resource for many thousands of users.

Are you interested in Zeitwart?

Would you like to get to know Zeitwart without obligation or do you have any further questions?

Write to us! We will contact you shortly and take care of your request.

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Zeitwart UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 1
49076 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 (0) 541 - 201 95 210