
Release Notes

Kurz gesagt:

On this page you will find our release notes.


The statistics function has been added:

Thanks to extensive filters and different views of the bookings, very detailed statistical analyses of the bookings can now be carried out.


  • Changing approved bookings has been optimised.

  • The login pages for the identity provider have been updated.


  • Service bookings can now be adjusted and added to more easily, with improved notifications and automatic adjustments when changes are made.

  • The user interface of the calendar views has been improved in several areas.

  • Organisational units with all the data they contain can now be deleted in one step.


The display of titles on e-paper displays has been improved.


In the calendar view, rooms can now be searched for directly in the room selection. A loading indicator has also been added to show whether events are currently being retrieved.
Improvements in communication with M365.
Minor bug fixes have been made.


Fixed a bug where no email notification was sent when an admin of an organisational unit created a booking for another user.


Username not required for registration

From now on, there is no need to enter a user name when registering in Self Service.

Minor bug fixes have been made.


Invite external participants

It was previously not possible to invite external participants. Now you can assign the right to invite for an organisational unit in order to be able to invite external participants.

Organisational units Admins can now delete roles in their own namespace.

Further bug fixes have been made.


The various identity providers can now be accessed via the URL


Elimination of further bugs.


The user interface has been improved.


When creating a booking, the e-mail addresses of the invited persons can also be displayed in the confirmation e-mail if required.

Minor bug fixes have been made.


Zeitwart now speaks Dutch .

Dependent resources are now displayed correctly in the map view.

The title of a booking can be customised for different views so that:

  • the organiser of a booking is displayed as the title

  • all appointment details are displayed

  • nothing is displayed in the title


LEDs from many other hardware manufacturers can now be addressed via the iChannel Android app:

  • JamiePro Side

  • JamiePro Round

  • ProDVX

  • ProDVX64


Improvement in the debugging of room displays


  • Improvement of the display of services
    If there is only one service provider, this is displayed directly in the booking window and the name of the service provider is displayed instead of services (here Options)

  • Bugfix in the service description view in the drop-down menu

  • Bugfix when creating services


Bugfix: Deleting series appointments was not allowed under certain circumstances.


Dependent resources

A room that contains bookable workstations and is also bookable itself can be mapped using the new dependent resources function.

Documentation - Dependent resources


Identification with datronicsoft

It is now possible to log in with a library card from the WinBIAP library system.



A small error in the series dates has been fixed.



When hovering with the mouse over the Zeitwart logo, the current version is displayed. An error when calling a home tile has been fixed and other small bug fixes have been made.

Delete your own NFC card

Users can delete their registered NFC card themselves.


Additional editor for booking rules

There is an additional editor (e.g. for booking rules and workflows). Importing and exporting is now also possible.

Password reset

For local users there is now the possibility to reset the password.



Manual registration of new users is now possible.


Workflows are logical rules that the administrator can use to trigger actions depending on freely selectable conditions.

Dokumentation - Workflows



In Zeitwart, Microsoft Teams meetings can now also be created when a booking is created. Links synchronised via M365 are displayed.



An error in the display of resources has been fixed.

An error in the display of members of a role has been fixed.


Admin of an organisational unit

The rights of the admin of an organisational unit have been strengthened.


Display changes

The various views have been adapted to the new Qbic TD-0360 room displays.

TD-0360_Display - Der blau leuchtende Streifen kann verschiedene Farben annehmen



Zeitwart now speaks Spanish, the language can be changed in the settings.


Reminder / Reminders

It is now possible to set up to two reminders.

An e-mail is sent at the time of the reminder. Reminders can be suggested or enforced in the organisational units.


Time zones

The admin can now freely select the time zone themselves in the settings.


Demo environment

A demo environment for interested parties can easily be created, with a choice between German and English.


Hierarchical home tiles

The home tiles can be organised hierarchically. In addition to the tile view, there is also a tree view.



It is now possible to assign services to a resource. A service can be an additional bookable service, such as catering, or required IT support.

Dokumentation - Services


Past events

Past events can only be deleted by admins. Users with the authorisation to delete events can still delete future events.



  • Several small bug fixes



  • Several small bug fixes


Booking intervals

In the settings of an organisational unit, you can set the interval at which the bookings should be made.



Translation errors have been fixed.



Timekeeper speaks English. The admin can set the language to either German or English



  • In various views, the buttons for editing resources did not work as expected or were not displayed

  • In various views, the marker for the current time did not always work as expected

  • The context menu or the "hamburger" did not always work as expected when reloading a view

  • The booking window did not behave as expected in a borderline case

  • Other minor bugs


Display and map view

The map view has been consistently supplemented by us with a connection for touch displays and NFC components.

Users can authenticate themselves at the displays used via NFC, in which case we also provide a workflow for connecting NFC-enabled cards with user accounts.


Ticketing system

Zeitwart now offers an easy way to make tickets for events bookable.

Dokumentation - Ticketsystem/Veranstaltungen


Booking collisions

A bug has been fixed where unwanted booking collisions were displayed.


Note field and justification field

To extend the authorisation procedure, a note and a reason can now be added when booking.


Authorisation procedure

An authorisation procedure has been implemented in which the creator of the booking must provide a reason. This must then be authorised by an admin.


Assign booking authorisations

A user can be given the right to book for all other users via a role. Previously, only the admin could book for other users, so any user can get the right.

Freigabe für andere Nutzer Buchungen zu erstellen


Redirect nach Login

Zeitwart now behaves more comprehensibly with an intermediate login (e.g. SAML) when it comes to calling up subpages: users will now end up exactly where they wanted to go and where they would have ended up based on the URL without a login request.


Tile view

The new tile view shows the resources that are organised within a home tile as individual tiles. Bookings can be made directly, the current booking status can be viewed and the detailed view can be opened with a click.

Kachelansicht Räume
Kachelansicht Leihwagen

Dokumentation - Homekachel


Image upload

You can now upload your own images for resources.

Ansicht Bild hochladen

  • maximum 5000kB size

  • only one image per resource

  • new overwrites old

  • ideal ratio is 3/2

The image is automatically converted to a 3/2 ratio during import, centred and then cropped.


Default settings

Users can make a number of default settings in their profile under "Settings" in Zeitwart to speed up booking processes and customise their user experience. Among other things, users with administrative rights can set whether emails are sent by default for external bookings.

These values can be inherited by the organisational units and can be specified as default values both for the entire organisation ("default") and at the level of individual organisational units:

Beispiel einer Voreinstellungsmöglichkeit



  • Automatic selection of available organisational units in the column view. Previously, this prevented bookings if the organisational units changed when selecting the resources.

  • Many small bug fixes


Booking by QR code

QR codes can be used that lead directly to a booking page.


Detailed view of resources

All resources now have a detailed view that shows all the attributes of a selected resource:

Detailansicht Besprechungsraum

It can be accessed in various ways:

  • Calendar view: Click on (i) in the toolbar

  • Bookings view: Click on (i) next to the resource

A dialogue window opens in which the attributes of the room are clearly displayed.

If a user has the right to edit the resource, it can be edited directly from there.


Map view

There is a new view of the resources of an organisational unit, the interactive map view. All resources are displayed graphically in the view:


The current occupancy can be viewed on the map and bookings can be made directly by clicking on a resource.


Multiple deletions

If a series appointment has been created, multiple deletions are now possible (again) via the new booking form. Several selected series appointments can be deleted with one click.


New booking form

The booking form has received a major update:


  • Improved display

  • Improved mobile use

  • Automatic display of available times and dates

  • Improved view when selecting multiple resources/users

  • A selected appointment has the option: "Booking before", "Booking after". This allows a new booking to be created quickly

  • Multiple selection of resources possible directly in the calendar

  • Switch view possible during a booking


iCal feed

The personal appointments can be called up in an iCal feed and displayed easily and always up-to-date in the personal calendar.


Scope of validity for collisions

The automatic collision check can now be given a validity range or switched off completely. For example, it can be set so that a user can only book one workstation but an office and a pool vehicle at the same time.


Opening hours in the booking dialogue

The opening times are taken into account in the booking dialogue. Only the available times/dates are displayed for both the date and the times.

Zeitwart UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 1
49076 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 (0) 541 - 201 95 210