
Create event bookings

Create event bookings

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You want to book an event in Zeitwart?

No matter whether it's a concert, a conference or a coffee party:

All you need is the URL of the event and a working email address, and you're ready to go.

In our example, Anne Apfel wants to book tickets for a New Year's Eve party.

For the ticket reservation, Anne only enters her surname and first name in the event form and confirms the privacy policy:

Anne can also select in the form how many tickets she needs:

Please note that the quantity 1 is preset. The maximum number of tickets that can be booked has been set by the organisers.

In our example, Anne decides to buy 2 tickets.

As soon as the reservation request has been triggered via "Order tickets", Anne receives an e-mail asking her to confirm her reservation request:

If Anne clicks on "Order tickets" in the email, she will then receive another email with a QR code that can be used as a ticket:

The QR code is also attached to the e-mail.

Zeitwart UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 1
49076 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 (0) 541 - 201 95 210