
Create Bookings

Create, edit and delete bookings

If you want to book a resource, first select an area in Zeitwart where the desired resource is located. You can choose between different views.

In our example, we use the calendar view that is preset in most cases. Of course, you can choose any other view, as nothing changes in the actual booking process.

Create booking

Clicking on a free area in the calendar view opens a dialogue window in which the desired booking can be edited. Enter the start and end time here. Optionally, you can enter a title here. This will only be displayed to you and authorised users (e.g. administrators). After you have saved the booking, you will receive an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

Edit booking

You can easily edit an existing booking yourself. To do so, click on the booking in the calendar view. The details of the booking are now displayed. By clicking on the pencil you can edit the booking. After the booking changes have been saved, you will of course receive a confirmation of the change by e-mail.

Delete booking

You can easily delete your own bookings. To do so, click on the booking. The details of the booking are now displayed. Now click on the bin and confirm the deletion again. You will receive an e-mail confirming the deletion.

Zeitwart UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 1
49076 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 (0) 541 - 201 95 210